To conclude my parade of recent
Cartoon Jumbles, I'd like to reveal the working evolution of a special, giant-sized Jumble that I was recently commissioned to create for my good friend
Eric Reynolds, associate publisher of
Fantagraphics Books. Selecting a baker's dozen of characters that I knew he had a fondness for, featuring classic and contemporary favorites alike, I set to forming a multitudinous Jumble, quite unlike any other I'd previously undertaken. Measuring a solid 24 inches wide by 20 inches deep, this was also my largest such painting to date.
As I conclude this showing of recent Jumbles, I just want to say a big "thank you" to all of those who commissioned one, it was a great and fun challenge attempting to realize your unique and exciting pairings! Please note that I am still taking custom Jumble requests. See side bar for all the details.